Channel: The Z-Issue »» politics
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Mozilla Messaging and Sunbird

Recently, the Mozilla foundation released a news brief stating that there will be a new “wholly owned subsidiary” (per the news brief) known as Mozilla Messaging. This new branch of the Mozilla project...

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I wish

I wish… the justice system would actually promote, foster, and protect virtue instead of corruption; that the systems and safeguards the nation has in place would function based on the spirit of the...

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Tony Pugliese and Alex Mancuso on North Carolina’s proposed gay marriage ban

Today on the North Carolina news station WRAL-5, my cousin Anthony Pugliese and his partner, Alex Mancuso, were interviewed regarding the proposed amendment to ban gay marriage across the state. The...

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Thailand Day 2: Shutdown Bangkok, protests, and temples

Today, we woke up a little earlier than anticipated, and decided to get going on our second day in Bangkok. I had planned on visiting several temples throughout the day, since they are such a huge part...

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Is this what humanity has become?: A brief look at the Syrian Refugees

Warning!This post has some horribly saddening photos that are difficult to see. Also, as it is political in nature, it also contains my own personal viewpoints. My goal was not to offend, but to offer...

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